My February person...

10:31 PM

Ever since my life began,
I realized that "You da man!"
I saw your wisdom, your courage too,
And I learned I could rely on you.

Your tolerant nature was really great;
Nevertheless, you'd not hesitate
To let me know when I'd been bad;
It must have been hard, but that's being a dad.

I love you, Dad, and want you to know,
I feel your love wherever I go.

You're strong and smart and filled with love--
A gift to me from up above,
So here's a greeting from your biggest fan:
Happy Birthday, Dad, 'cause "You da man!"

To my dear Along,

You've always been here for me,
I know we fuss and fight,
But I love you with all my might.

You are my big brother,
And there is no other.
No one can take your place,

I remember when I was small,
And I would always fall.
You were always there for me,
And I know you always will be.

You told me not to cry,
That it would be ok.
Even if I thought you lied,
It was like my big brother saved the day.

You’ve made me laugh, you’ve made me cry,
You've even helped me hide some lies.
I love you is something I don’t tell you enough,

To my loving sister, Yam

How fortunate i am
To have a sister like you
Your love shows through
In all that you do

Though special times like birthdays
seem the nicest ones by far
to tell you very lovingly
how wonderful you are

You surely know
you're loved a lot
each day the whole year through
Luv u, sis!

Thanks 4 always being there 4 me...
Smg kasih sayang yg terbina antara kita akan terus mekar dalam kasih sayang dan rahmat Allah dan membuka jalan kita ke jannah al-firdaus, insya Allah

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