When ever I see you, I feel calm...
11:02 AMWhen I see you,
I feel calm.
When I read you,
I feel peace.
When I heard you,
When I applied you,
I feel good.
You are very important for me,
Without you,
I feel messy.
Because of you,
I am organized.
I was blind to this nasty world.
You are the words from God,
You are the speech from God,
And, somebody ask, "who is the 'you' that I mean it?"
And, I answered, " 'you' is my beloved holy Qur'an"
"Ya Allah, jangan Engkau cabut rasa indah dalam hatiku, bilamana aku membaca, menyebut, menatap dan mendengar 'kalam-Mu'...surat cinta dari Mu"
-Hamba Mu yg kerdil-